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"The Best thing you can do for your friend is give him the name of your tailor"

Many people today don’t understand the differences there is between fashion and style. Fashion is a current trend and what is popular for the mainstream. Style may not be with in the current trend, but it is always fashionable.

A suit covers about 95% of your body since only your head and hands are exposed. So why not wear something that shows off your physique but at the same time hides your defects yes, we all have them. Whether or not you know it or not, most of us have one shoulder that is lower than the other or we walk overly erect or slightly stooped.

You can talk all you want about fashion, but most men still won’t give a damn.

That’s partly because there’s a lot of silly, useless information out there that confuses and as a society we’ve tried to push the mantra – it matters how you perform, not how you look, which is not true.

How you are perceived by others before you open your mouth depends mostly on the physical signals you send with your appearance. Appearances do matter in both fundamental and real ways. It affects your daily life from when you are greeted for the time to traveling and whether you will be harassed.

You do not need to stay on top of the current fashion trend, but you think about your basic appearance every day. Here are the reasons why.

Creating a positive first impression you clothing is the primary tool.

Whether you choose to believe it or not people are superficial, it is just the way we are wired. These instincts go back to when we were living in caves and needed to make quick decisions about a wild animal that crossed our path, would it eat you or walk past. As humans we formulate initial opinions of someone before we are introduced to them. What this means is that people are going to make assumption about you by the way you are dressed. If you are dressed well automatically you will give better respect and attention.

A perceived status among peers is increased by dressing well.

Even after the first impression is over your clothing can help improve people’s reactions to you. Society is very visually based, and better-dressed men routinely experience better treatment and service than their sloppier dressed counterparts. Clothing serves as a substitute for character in the eyes of people who don’t know you well enough to judge you by anything else. That may sound superficial, but it’s true whether we think it should be or not. Your appearance may not mean much to you, but it does to the people who see you every day, making it worth caring about.

Dressing well or sharp with help you with your confidence.

The first thing you will learn in a self-help book is to get your personal appearance under control. It is an automatic assumption that a well-dressed man should be treated with respect. When it’s your reflection in the mirror, it reinforces the idea that you deserve success and good treatment in your own mind.

Dressing sharp teaches responsibility.

Honestly this is as not farfetched as it sounds. To dress well it is all the little pieces that make up the whole. You will keep track of items such as keeping your shoes shines, your tie dimple centered, your shirts and suits pressed and kept clean. Since you will usually be doing these things yourself, it also makes you mentally plan in advance, so you can get these details accomplished.

Some one that dress well will notice this in others.

When you start paying attention to items such as your collar shape on your shirt, what pocket square you will wear with you tie. You will notice these details in other men, and they will notice how you dress. You can expect to see approving nods from other well-dressed men and smiles from women. A well put together outfit will introduce you into an elite society of men.

Dressing sharp makes you more useful at work

Doesn’t matter what your job happens to be and who you’re working for, or even if you’re your own boss — if you’re well enough dressed that you can step away from work and into a meeting with a client, customer, or supervisor without advance preparation, you’re more useful. Having the casual, day-to-day presentation to step into any situation and look respectable is a huge advantage in the working world. As the old saying goes don’t dress for the career that you are in but the career that you want.

Colors and patterns speak for you

Once you start to learn more about them, specific colors and patterns begin to display their own unique advantages. Blues convey youth, browns openness and trustworthiness; deep grays somberness and dignity — each can be the best choice for a situation where many other colors would be equally appropriate but not as ideal. And by thinking about colors and patterns in a meaningful way rather than just throwing together anything that doesn’t clash too badly you may save yourself from being the guy whose tie keeps seeming to ripple on TV someday.

Specific clothing pieces make statements about you

Uniforms and semi-uniform looks like the doctor’s white coat are obvious symbols of the wearer’s status or role. More subtle effects can convey nearly as much detailed information for a man who takes his time to plan the outfit well. From a bolo tie advertising a reckless, cowboy attitude to a pinstriped suit in the colors of a favorite baseball team, clothes can proclaim everything from your profession to your passions — or both at once.

Well-dressed men call the shots

When all’s said and done, the best reason to take time with your clothing and appearance is to take charge of your life. Well-dressed men have already taken the way the world sees them into their own hands, and the added respectability and authority people afford them allows them to call the shots in group situations as well. Giving a damn about your appearance is a way of caring how much control you have over your own life — not just over what color of tie to wear this morning.

Some examples of tried-and-true dressing etiquettes:

A Blue suit would require a White-blue-grey-natural shirt

Ties- blue, maroon, brown.

Pocket handkerchief- white, blue shade, maroon shade, brown with white the colors should never match the tie perfectly as they are there to accents it

Socks- should be a color pattern that is close to the tie or the handkerchief

Shoes- black, brown

Hats- grey, brown, or black

A Grey suit would require a white –blue-black-green shirt

Ties –red, brown, blue, green

Pocket handkerchief red, brown, blue, green

Socks should be a color pattern that is close to the tie or handkerchief

Shoes- black, brown

Hats- grey, brown or black

For a Brown suit would require a white green – tan- or natural shirt

Ties –red, brown, green

Pocket handkerchief red, brown, green

Socks should be a color pattern that is close to the tie or handkerchief

Shoes- black, brown

Hats- grey, brown, Khaki, or black

Some points to know about our suits.

There are sufficient inlays to allow for adjustments on the main seam of the coat and sleeves

Our Linings are felled by hand to the coat body

Hand stitched front edge and vent

The top collar is Hand stitched into the body and hand stitched to the facing collar

The sleeves are set by hand

Hand stitched buttons holes and left buttonhole with sewn flower loop on the left lapel

Hand cut and shaped shoulder pads and canvas

Slanting breast pocket with hand stitched border

The armhole lining is hand stitched and eased in

The front and cuff buttons are sewn by hand with a cross stitch

Linen is used to reinforce the pockets and gorge

Cuffs with opening slit and hand stitched buttonholes

Internal waistband with inlay 1.5 inches on the back and side seam to allow for adjustments

Buttons on the trousers are sewn by hand with a cross stitch

Handmade buttonholes

Band lining and curtains sewn in by hand

Suspender buttons on the inside and belt loops on the outside if wanted.


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